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Brigitte Bardot wrote to President Putin

Brigitte Bardot wrote to President Putin

Our President has written to Vladimir Putin asking him to take action, to put a stop to the mass killings of dogs in Russia.

The Brigitte Bardot Foundation receives applications for desesperate aid throughout Russia ... Kazan, Orenburg, Yekaterinburg, Omsk, Arkhangelsk, Novosibirsk, Severodvinsk, to name just a few, begging to stop the killing of dogs, organized by municipalities with the money available to the human management of stray animals for sterilization (the best solution so far) and to help shelters.

In Orenburg, some animals protectors found a mass grave of dogs in the dump with obvious signs of violent death. Many of those dogs had owners.

In Kazan, where in June will start the Universiade sports competitions, stray dogs are exterminated and in Severodvink, the veterinary service of the city offers 100 rubles per dog's head.

Acts of cruelty against animals increases with impunity because no law was passed, giving the duty to justice to punish those awful facts.

In Orenburg, animals protectors found a mass grave of dogs in the dump with obvious signs of violent death.

Article from the website Brigitte Bardot Fondation