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The fight between a tiger and a bear

The fight between a tiger and a bear

Mary playing with a teddy bear is a funny video taken on the spot, it's really a fight between two wild animals.

Wild animals North America in winter

Wild animals North America in winter

This video is made of photographs of wildlife in North America during the winter.

The little boy and the puppy

The little boy and the puppy

This video tells a touching story, the meeting between a boy and a puppy just by chance in a pet store.

Little Toto and The Stray Cats

Little Toto and The Stray Cats

Video consists of some pictures of some kittens abandoned and sometimes mistreated, accompanied by a version of Summertime by Mahalia Jackson

The meal beasts, an important moment

The meal beasts, an important moment

The meal kittens, a great time after many mews is silence, everyone eats fast fast

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